Mision Domobotics
During 2014 and 2015 I was part of the ROBOCOL team in universidad de Los Andes. This group develops projects around robotics and aims to educate and generate interest in robotics in other students indise and outside of the university.
As a member of ROBOCOL I participated in an educational project called Domobotics Mission. I participated in the design and logistics of the project as an instructional designer and a web developper.
Domobotics Mission was a contest for highschool students. We developped the main theme of the contest around Home Automation (Domótica) hence the name of the project. We wanted to approach schools that were already involved with robotics as well as institutions that wanted to initiate one. For this, we offered courses and guidance for the students as well as equipment, basic electronic kits, access to the univertisie's laboratories and capacitations in the use of manufacturing, electronics, project managment and engineering design. To deliver content to the students I created an online platform where ROBOCOL staff could pusblish content and quizzes for the students as well as a webpage for the campaign.

Picture of the dome built for the contest
For the contest we built a dome where the students had to complete the challenges. The studing controlling the robot could not see the robot therefore students had to design a system for remote control.

Picture of the contest
The contest had 2 challenges related to the possible use of robots in a house:
A gardening challenge where students had to meassure water and light levels for plants and supply water and nuntriends accordingly to the meassures. This involved the design of sensoring systems as well as a liquid and solid distribution system.
A "buttler" challenge where the students had to carry eggs and socks from one point to the other in the least time possible. The robots didn't need to pick up the objects.

Picture of the participants presenting her project
We invited experts that had companies related to robotics as well as professors from the university and students had to present their projects to the judges. This presentation was considered in the final score.

Picture of one of the robots

Picture of one competitor with the robot
For the winners of the contests we awarded a 3d printer and some kits to build a little robot designed and manufactured by our electronics team.
Page created for the group and for the contest available at https://robocol.uniandes.edu.co/
Ana María Cárdenas
Sergio Bacca
Sebastián Farfan
Yasin Naman
Felipe Noguera